Friday, February 29, 2008

Grow, GrOW, GROW says the Universe

Apparently, because all indications lead me to this conclusion, I am supposed to do some serious growing as a professional teller this year. SERIOUS GROWING!

I am getting lots of truly exciting storytelling opportunities. My calendar is filling up folks! This afternoon I bought a better, more efficient calendar to keep track of all the scheduling and planning that is now required. Plus, everyday, seven days a week, I make an effort to dedicate a certain amount of time to the business side of things. That is the only way that I can keep from wigging out. Really. My organizational & marketing skills must develop right along with my storytelling programs if I am to provide quality performances.

Aaarrghhhh! I love, love, love the creative work of being a storyteller, but boy does paperwork suck lemons! Surely, this will get easier as I create a routine. Right? Please agree.

So, what I'm trying to say is this - I love storytelling and find it miraculous to be where I'm at today. I can't adequately express how grateful I am - but, OUchy! The growing pains of having to figure out the paperwork and tax stuff are zinging me right & left.

Maybe, someday, the universe will send me a personal assistant or better yet, a business manager? Wouldn't that be wild!

1 comment:

Tina Leavy said...

hey there, sounds like things are really picking up and you have an extremely busy schedule ahead. On the tax stuff...I'd suggest finding an accountant to help. We finally had to go see one this year to help out with taxes and other things related to the business.
It was a ton of help and really made things a breeze.
You mentioned a career change in the works for Jeff congratulations! hope it works out..any type of change though at first can be quite I'm sure he's doing some reasearch,research, and more research to make sure it will be a good fit.
Hope Lilly is doing better lately with the health bit.
We are all doing great here, and yes Ian had his 8th b-day on the 29th...he's only 2 now ya know..haha.
I hope you have a lovely week!