Thursday, February 21, 2008

Timing Dental Work

My work as a storyteller relies on my being able to actually talk, of course that's obvious right? So, certain kinds of dental procedures have to be carefully timed around gigs to allow adequate healing time and restoration work.

Presently I have a three week window of time to take care of a failed root canal. For 1 1/2 years I have been coping with an infection below said tooth allong the gum line. I had surgery last February to remove the infection, which promptly came back. I spent another year with my dear premolar praying that it would somehow miraculously save itself. Alas, it did not. >sniff!< Earlier this week I had the tooth removed. It was TRAUMATIC. I'd love to say that this was my first time, but it was actually the second adult tooth and failed root canal that I have lost. I wear a permanent bridge over the first tooth's site.

I have always been a somewhat vain matters how I look. I like to present a clean, well-groomed, well-coifed outer shell. I wore braces forEVER in order to have a nice smile. Now, until next week - I'm going to look like a HILLBILLY!!! Yikes! That is how long it will take to get my temporary bridge fitted. And then, I have to wait 6 months to complete the implant that should be done. (The Doc assures me that this is actually a very easy procedure. Guess I will find out first hand.)

My next gig is March 8 at the Dallas Museum of Art. They are having a family day and I will be giving a gallery storytelling tour of the Turner Exhibit, in addition to another storytelling event on the 4th floor later that day. I will be pain free, completely healed,and have my temporary bridge in. So that is the good news, right? I will not look like a toothless hillbilly, I will be able to tell my tales in clear, audible, character rich voices and I will keep my vanity intact.

Timing is everything folks and that is what gives this little tale a happy ending...I guess...

1 comment:

Tina Leavy said...

ouch! oh my..glad that you'll at least have the bridge,but..ouch!
hey..I'm hostessing quite a few fun drawings on my blog if you'd like to stop by.
have been standing on a ladder all day today painting ceiling in Ian's room..ugh my shoulders ache from holding the paint brush and roller over my head ,achy achy, but builds muscles right?
Have a great week.