Apparently, because all indications lead me to this conclusion, I am supposed to do some serious growing as a professional teller this year. SERIOUS GROWING!
I am getting lots of truly exciting storytelling opportunities. My calendar is filling up folks! This afternoon I bought a better, more efficient calendar to keep track of all the scheduling and planning that is now required. Plus, everyday, seven days a week, I make an effort to dedicate a certain amount of time to the business side of things. That is the only way that I can keep from wigging out. Really. My organizational & marketing skills must develop right along with my storytelling programs if I am to provide quality performances.
Aaarrghhhh! I love, love, love the creative work of being a storyteller, but boy does paperwork suck lemons! Surely, this will get easier as I create a routine. Right? Please agree.
So, what I'm trying to say is this - I love storytelling and find it miraculous to be where I'm at today. I can't adequately express how grateful I am - but, OUchy! The growing pains of having to figure out the paperwork and tax stuff are zinging me right & left.
Maybe, someday, the universe will send me a personal assistant or better yet, a business manager? Wouldn't that be wild!
Just Dotty For Dots!
I just about went dotty painting this chair.
I honestly don't know when I'll be ready to paint dots again. At any rate,
this chair makes me feel happy. ...
11 years ago