Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Howdy T and N in Panama City!

Hi all!

As a relatively new blogger and a miserable techno geek, I have recently realized that folks can leave comments to my blogs. Wow! Little slow there Ann Marie. Yes sirree.

So, I was thrilled to read the messages left by my dear friends in Panama City, Florida. Friends who, alas, I did not visit with while I was there. Sorry girls...I go into a brain fog after the long drive over and become sooooo lazy out there by the great blue.

I have decided that the next time I am in town, I will invite people out to the beach to see me instead of thinking that I will drive into town and try to see everyone. This past visit Lily and I drove into town only once! We went to our old library and were again overcome with the realization of how blessed we are to now have the fantastic libraries for our use in Plano. The place is a mold infested, stinky mess but not to worry, they are building a new one.

Yes folks. My daughter and I are whole-hearted bibliophiles and damn proud of it! We regularly use not one, not two, but SEVEN libraries in the area.

We drove past our old house trying not to look like two crooks greedily casing a neighborhood. The place looked okay...I guess. It doesn't appear as well cared for though, it now has a somewhat unloved ambiance about it. The Christmas ornaments were truly pathetic and minimal too.

So, T and N (I wasn't sure if I should use your full names, so hence the initials) I want you to know that I loved reading your comments. Also, that I was so impressed with your blogs that I thought I might try doing one myself. And I did. You inspired me.

Thanks girlfriends.

Oh, Lily says hi. She is frantically trying to finish a 16x20 acrylic portrait of her boyfriend. It's her Christmas present to him, and yes he is a patient fellow for it is indeed late.


Bella Modiste said...

Hehe, Hi!
A whole post dedicated to mom and I....awwwwee! Too sweet :D
you know..to get emails when yu get comments, you can go under your setting, and comments, and on the bottom of the "comments" page, type your email in, and each time someone comments...it..well obviously emails you....pretty cool...
I got ya about the library..ours in a word...stinks...in more ways then one! Even with this new library being built, I'm not so sure how good it'll be...we went to Thomasville last month, and their library, though much smaller then ours, had a wonderful selection of books, several gardens(with benches so you could go sit outside and read!), and a bizillion computers(probably around 60)...all on one floor in the heart of downtown...I fell in love...well kept, no mold smell...and...oh. my. gosh....no crazy homeless guys! *shocked*...course..whole time we were there...not a homeless person in sight! The town was soooo clean, and the houses divine! The people were incredible...all so polite and nice, complete strangers saying "Merry Christmas" when you passed them on the street!
anyways..this has gotten pretty long and gone from saying hi to saying how much I loved another town...haha

Tina Leavy said...

hey there Ann...
yes, next time you are in town please do let us know. We could all get together at the coffee shop or at the beach or wherever.
Would love to catch up and chat for a while.
Yes, the library here is pretty dismal. Thankfully a new one is being built.
As N.. mentioned we did take a visit to Thomasville during Christmas Holiday..an absolutely lovely town, and it is still our dream to one day be able to call it home.
Still working on building up the business...as of August we have been doing the sign business full time. It pays the bills, but would be so much nicer if it did a good bit more and we were free to relocate wherever our little hearts desired..but one day we shall.
I cannot imagine having free reign of 7 libraries! Lucky you!
What fun!
As N... mentioned the folks in Thomasville are all so friendly.
Imagine our surprise when a group of gals ran up and totally surrounded N... and ..at first I thought oh gracious are they going to attack her and try to cut her hair? ..but they were in awe and wanted to talk to her about it(it now is to her knees when braided) and they just wanted to see if it was real..ha.
We laughed a bit after wards..as here or in other areas the first impresion is that the folks would not be friendly..but there they are very nice folks. Wave and smile and start a good old southern chat session with you.
Anyhow..I am sorry we missed you this time around.
I'm glad that you now have a blog..I'll visit often..and hope that you'll stop by and leave a comment every now and again on my little blog.
They are great ways to keep in contact with family and friends.
Have a great weekend.Greeting to your crew.