Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Holy Firecracker Batman, it's HOT in Texas!!!

It's that time of year when my Norwegian genes scream in agony from temperatures of over 100+ degrees. To put it bluntly, I just wasn't born to live in this kind of heat, so thank God for air conditioning and ceiling fans.

My mom lives in Wyoming and she has called me up several times this summer to complain about the heat there. What!?! Oh please spare me. A word of warning wise readers - when Ann Marie gets hot, she gets cranky. Now this year I like to think I'm doing a lot better about the grippin'.

Opps! I suppose I've slipped up a bit by complaining about the heat in my blog. Darn.

1 comment:

Bella Modiste said...

I imagine its hot there! Hothere though...ugh...you know what it is...thick humid hot air...uuuugh....BUT! with fall coming, and the rain this week, its down to a gorgeous..um...80 something...haha...cant wait for 60s and 70s...*sigh*