Thursday, December 20, 2007 I did the couch potato workout

Have you heard of it? It's tough, but I stayed the course because I knew it was good for me. My plan also included a mandatory afternoon nap - got that in too!

Tomorrow, I pack for our trip to Florida for Christmas with Jeff's mom, clean house, take Lily to the dentist and shop for traveling vittles. Once we get to Florida it'll be non-stop for days with early morning risings. It's early to bed, early to rise at my mom-in-laws house. So not my thing. Me? I'm a natural born night owl. hoot-hoot. Been that way since birth.

Today, I langorously took the opportunity to watch my favorite kind of documentary. I like those obscure foreign ones that no one has heard about, the kind where you have to read the subtitles. I have an inner bespectacled cultural anthropologist romping about, a little Margaret Mead if you will, who begs to be fed now and then. People are FASCINATING creatures.

So what did I watch? "Old Believers" by Jana Sc???? Okay it's one of those really long Slovakian names that I can't pronounce, or spell.

Here's a link to the film

It was fabulous. "Piemule" was my personal fav documentary out of the 3 on the DVD. Jana's images of the people and her choice of filming it in sepia tone was genius! There are a 1,000 still moments where the people are absolute poetry to watch, frame by frame. Their faces so etched by life, by circumstance - there is nothing more wonderful, more intriguing than an interesting face and a story.

1 comment:

Tina Leavy said...

would you be interested in writing a 1 1/2 to 2 page article about the art of storytelling for an upcoming issue of Small Town Living? let me know..o.k.
p.s. I also let hundreds of my friends know about your blog so you should see a little more traffic here soon.