Saturday, October 11, 2008

What Happened!?!

There my family and I were merrily marching down the road of life when WHAM! We got blindsided.

Ten days ago, our family learned that a close family member has a serious illness. We have been getting near daily updates regarding the status of this illness as the medical tests have been coming in. What a shock this has all been - most especially for the sick family member. As we cope with the changes that treating this illness will have on all our lives, we get the added pleasure of coping with the current daily news in our country. The United States is in a gut-wrenching economic crisis, and the political rhetoric between the two men running for President has sunk to an all new, low-down mean & ugly level.

Sometimes you don't know whether to laugh or cry, so you just do both.

On the upside, gas was $2.37 a gallon today. Yeah, lower the gas prices that'll fix everything.

We're not in Kansas anymore Dorothy.

1 comment:

Tina Leavy said...

so sorry to hear about your mil.
yeah..things are pretty weird lately with all that stuff..well tomorrow is vote day...then all the political squabbling will be over for another 4 yrs(or will it?)..then the cycle starts again.cest la vie