Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Olafus Eliasson

Eliasson's exhibit opened at the Dallas Museum of Art on Sunday. I am SO excited! I've been enthusiastically working on new storytelling material for this . Here are two images of his work. Look at the sun that was part of his exhibit at the Tate Museum - don't you feel warm just looking at it? Imagine what it must of felt like to be there. Then look at the other image called "take your time". It has a space-age feel to it. Though I haven't been to this exhibit yet, I did see bits of it during the installation. There is something very like it at the DMA. Yippee! I have an alien story that I rarely get to tell, but boy will I be doing it for Eliasson. In Florida, I bought a toy that changes my voice giving it an otherworldly quality.
"Take me to your leader!" Hee-hee, sure can't wait to use it.

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