Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I am!

Okay, I haven't finished the cut glass & wire sun, BUT I thought I'd share this picture I did a while back.

Often, I battle self confidence issues as a storyteller. My work involves my "entertaining" complete roomfuls of strangers on a regular basis. So of course I can get anxious and have self doubts about my story choices and performances. Come on, who wouldn't? This piece represents a self affirmation to my calling as a storyteller.

How does it do this?

The tree I created has leaves that are letters representing language/communication. In my imagination, when a breeze moves through a tree's leaves it sounds like the tree is whispering and talking to the world. It's roots are connected with the earth while it's arms are raised towards heaven. The roots remind me to always maintain harmony with the earth, to always stay "grounded". The raised branches remind me to reach out to others, to "go" confidently into the world. Along the bottom (I don't know if you can see this in the photo), but I've stamped,"LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN..." I believe that the best storytellers are even better listeners. The two main colors, blue & green are colors typically associated with healing. Ultimately, for me, I believe that stories do indeed heal people.

This tree reminds me to keep growing & striving to be better storyteller.

Even when I'm afraid, which happens more frequently than I care to admit.


Tina Leavy said...

love the artwork and love how you explained the different aspects of it. I am so thrilled for you to be putting an offer in on a place. Is this the same area where you had the house before?..near the park?
Sounds like a terrific area.
really enjoyed your recent comments on my blog. gosh..wish we still lived nearby..we are definitely kindred spirits.

ruthiebaby88 said...

I love it! I really love it!