Friday, January 4, 2008

Season's of Life: Spring

One day I looked at the last painting and knew it was time to put a new one up in it's place.
"Bloom Where You Are Planted" was created in the early days of my getting gig after gig at the Dallas Museum of Art. They had not yet metioned making me their storyteller in residence, but things were looking really good. I had received the honor of representing my storytelling guild as their chosen "Texas Rising Star" at the state storytelling festival in Denton. I was bloomin' folks and it felt GOOD!
We were all bloomin'. Jeff was uber satisfied with his new job and bowling better than ever with his new bowling buddies. Lily had just gotten her drivers license, and had finished the registration process for starting college.
Spring is not over for us yet, we're still blooming with new beginnings. Tomorrow we go look at several houses. Hopefully, we will soon find ourselves a cozy home where we can settle down and have a whole fricken (word???) garden of flowers that will bloom many times over into a future summer filled with contentment, peace and joy.

1 comment:

Tina Leavy said...

love the artwork Ann! love the use of the scrabble letters at the bottom of the image too. well done!
good luck and the absolute best wishes on finding a new home!