Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Riding the Dart

Lately, I've been taking the Dart train to a lot of my storytelling gigs. Yesterday, I went one step further by taking the train then transferring to a bus to reach a library in the Oak Cliff area of Dallas.
Well guess what? I got on the wrong bus, but this was discovered quickly. I was able to get on the right one after a few minutes wait by the side of the road over by the Dallas Zoo. Phew! Who knew there was a 522 W and a 522 E bus?
I meet all kinds of people that I would not be able to meet while riding the train. It really is, for the most part, an enjoyable experience and far more relaxing than creeping along the congested freeways.
So, the horse above is at the downtown Plano train station. It stands in the same spot that the old steam locomotives did. The up close photo will hopefully show the little metal fly near his eye. There are all sorts of bronze statues in downtown Dallas. I will try and get some photos of them at some point.

1 comment:

Tina Leavy said...

cool statue..very neat looking.